Obtain cosmetic mole removal for health and cosmetic reasons
At Alabama Dermatology and Rejuvenation Center in Jasper, Alabama, our board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Tony Adar, can assist with medical and cosmetic solutions for the skin, hair, nails, and body. This includes the removal of unwanted moles that have developed on the face or body.
Why might I consider mole removal?
While some signs of skin cancer present themselves in moles that are present on the body, some patients seek mole removal for cosmetic reasons. Moles can be located anywhere on the face and body and, for some, may cause them to feel embarrassed or self-conscious about their moles. During a consultation appointment with Dr. Adar, patients may approach him with the idea of removal. Our team is pleased to offer scarless mole removal using laser treatments. We may also excise a mole if it appears to have changes that might indicate that skin cancer has developed. In such situations, the mole is carefully removed, and a sample is sent to a laboratory where it is further evaluated for skin cancer. Melanoma is the most common skin cancer found present in moles that can spread throughout the body. Early detection and treatment are vital to ensuring one’s health and safety.
Where can I obtain cosmetic mole removal?
You can obtain cosmetic mole removal at a dermatologist’s office or medical spa. Be sure to research and choose a reputable provider, preferably a board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Adar, who has experience performing the procedure. It is also important to discuss any potential risks and side effects with your provider before proceeding with the removal. Additionally, remember that insurance typically does not cover cosmetic mole removal, so be prepared to pay out of pocket for the treatment.
How do I learn more about cosmetic mole removal?
If you are interested in body or facial mole removal and are considering scarless and laser options, it is time to book an appointment with Alabama Dermatology and Rejuvenation Center in Jasper, AL. Dr. Tony Adar can assist with the removal of moles, as well as biopsying them to check for signs of skin cancer. Call (205) 295-6695 to request a visit at 1606 Highway 78W.